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 Holiday Workshops  

The next holiday workshops will be run during the October Half term break, 28th - 31st October.

The workshops will be run between 10 am and 2 pm, with a break for lunch.  The cost will be £30 for the 4 hour session, with a discount of 10% when more than one child is booked onto a workshop in a single booking. The discount applies to all children on that booking. The price includes any drinks, marshmallows and pizzas mentioned in the workshops.  Children need to be between 6 and 16 years old to attend.


During marshmallow cooking we will also have vegetarian and vegan alternatives.


Nut allergies

Due to the increase of young people being allergic to nuts and products containing nuts, we kindly request that parents, guardians and carers ensure that children attending holiday workshops do not bring nuts or nut based products.

Please ensure that if your child has a severe allergic reaction to nuts, we are made aware on booking, and that they bring their EPIPEN and any related medicine with them.

We do not provide food, except for marsh mallows and pizzas on certain workshops and therefore cannot guarantee that the site will be free of nut traces.


We have moved to an on-line booking system, and you will receive an e-mail for each booking made to confirm the booking.  The e-mail will also contain a link to your system calendar; should you wish to use it. 

The bookings page shows how many places are left for each workshop.

If the workshops are fully booked, they no longer appear on the booking page.


The October Half Term workshop  details are shown below. 


Monday 28th October: Fire starting skills with friction/ Autumn Den and shelter construction.
Tuesday 29th: Fire starting and Pizzas!/ Woodland Tracking and Hide and Seek.
Wednesday 30th: Coppicing and whittling warrior staffs/ Bushcraft tracking skills; Tracks, Scat ID and feathers.
Thursday 31st: Mini broom stick making/ Halloween Woodland Art 


Please try and arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of the workshop. in order that the workshops can start on time. On arrival, please park in the car park and walk up the track to our new check in booth.

Please note that for health and safety reasons, attendees must under no circumstances bring their own tools or knives to use at the Cotswold Forest School. If they are found, they will be confiscated immediately and returned to their parents.

Expect the children to get very muddy if it has been raining and either bring a change of cloths or a bin bag to put them in for the journey home! In the summer there are nettles and mosquitoes, and so it is advisable for them to wear long trousers and or insect repellent.


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